CHI-Delhi for the first time announces ACCESS – BARS ® PRACTITIONER COURSE on 18th February 2015 at Hotel Country Inn & Suites, Sec. – 29, Near Huda City Centre, Gurgaon
Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive?
How much of your life do you spend doing rather than receiving? Have you noticed that your life is not yet what you would like it to be? You could have everything you desire (and even greater!) if you are willing to receive lots more and maybe do a little less! Receiving or learning The Bars® will allow this to begin to show up for you.
At the Life Positive Expo from 20th – 22nd February 2015
CHI-Delhi made it’s presence at the Life Positive Expo at the India Habitat Centre from 20th – 22nd February 2015, with mini-sessions in Bars – Access Consciousness ® and Theta Healing, helping people clear their beliefs and releasing the energy charges of all the view points, thoughts and emotions stored in them.
On The Growth Path Series at the Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi on 13th September 2013
Unlocking your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical potential.
A series of talks in collaboration with India Habitat Centre on 13th September 2013
The truth is, the purpose of life is growth. We are here to become better every moment. To realise our highest potential. To overcome our weaknesses; capitalise on our strengths and develop our skills and talents. Life is not a passive experience to be endured; it is a gift to be cherished, explored and experienced. In pursuit of this mission, Life Positive Foundation has designed a series of talks by some of the most eminent healers, trainers and thinkers of our times who will use their expertise and knowledge to support and guide us towards transformation. Do not miss this valuable series.

Broad Outline of the workshop
- Participants were taken through a sensory exercise of” Lemon experience”/ arm streching
- Power of thoughts and words and subconscious beliefs of Self Sabotage
- Past life regression as a therapy tool …skills and talents remain in subconscious memory(real life examples of regression sessions and talent exploration)
- Inner exploration by generating Theta Brain waves using Road Map Meditation to get in touch with our inner self and putting positive suggestions in our subconscious
- After this, there was an interaction with the participants with a Question and Answer session.
“Attended Ritu Tanishi’s lecture this evening at the Habitat centre. Well I must confess that I did attend the lecture as a sceptic…at least to begin with. And then Ritu mesmerized the hall-full of audience with her mastery of the subject, which even though is a complicated science, but it was introduced to the public with a startling ease and connect, rousing curiosity and answering questions all in one go.
Ritu seamlessly flowed from English into Hindi, from the science of Hypnotherapy to Hindu Shastras and the Gita, from Brian Weiss to self-hypnosis. Jyotica and I were wholly enraptured in this cloud burst of knowledge and we know that this is not even the tip of iceberg.
The self hypnosis exercise at the end was another interesting experience and since I didn’t know what to expect, I was thrilled with what I felt.
With a teacher as brilliant and knowledgable as Ritu, I am sure I want to learn under her….as did the scores of people out there today. Thank you Universe for this opportunity to open another window to let in the light. Thank you Ritu.”
Intuitive Anatomy and World Relations at CHI-Delhi 17th November – 12th December 2014

Calling in my Soulmate Seminar at CHI-Delhi on 23rd December 2014
Call Us Today! +91 9811908833 / 0124-4373777
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